Think back to the first time in your career when someone took a chance on your talent. Remember the invaluable advice from a mentor or the relief of financial backing at just the right moment.

We all remember those pivotal moments when a guiding hand and financial support made all the difference to our professional development, to our careers, to us personally.  Now it’s our turn to be that support for the next generation of creative talent, who today face immense challenges.

At The Production Exchange, a charity set up for the purpose, we aspire to stimulate a vibrant creative landscape where a diversity of voices flourish and resonate.  As both a production company and an artists’ agency, we champion diversity, innovation and creativity. Our track record, now 10 years long, includes working on some truly inspiring projects as well as bringing some astonishing talent to the fore.

The current climate is perhaps as tough as it has ever been. The long tentacles of COVID haven’t yet released our industry from their grasp. Much public and trust fund subsidy continues to be concentrated on shoring things up rather than investing in the future.

And when funds are short what is it that gets squeezed first? New Work is not for the risk-averse, yet it is our industry’s lifeblood. And who are the people who are forced to wait in line? Those starting out and those from traditionally underrepresented communities who have little or no bandwidth available to them to be heard when asking for that much-needed support.

Become a Pillar of Support

To this end,  we are launching a fundraising campaign and we very much hope that you will consider becoming one of our first Pillars of Support.

We are seeking to raise £100,000 annually to safeguard creative development activity over the coming year.

Imagine the impact we can make together. Your support will enable The Production Exchange to provide the critical resources, mentorship, and opportunities that are vital for creativity to thrive.

As a Pillar of Support, we invite you to donate any amount you feel able to give and to join us to share the impact your gift has made.

 Donations received throughout this campaign will enable artist development and early-stage production activity. This is a critical phase for testing the feasibility of projects, refining artistic vision, and developing innovative approaches to storytelling. Interweaving mentorship throughout will ensure that our artists will be encouraged to grow their creative practice and invited to connect with professionals at all stages of their careers who can offer guidance, advice, and industry insights.

Donating is simple and quick. All you need to do is to click one of the options below to receive payment details. It couldn't be simpler! If you would like to make a one-off donation or gift another amount, please just email us We'd be grateful to hear from you! 

£8 per month

£100 per year

£250 per year

£500 per year

Lastly, please don't forget to complete the Gift Aid Declaration from by clicking here or in the top right corner above. It means that, if you're a UK tax payer, HMRC will donate 25p for every £1 you donate without any cost to you!

Thank you.

"Working with The Production Exchange has been such a joy. Their dedication to supporting emerging artists is second to none, putting them at the heart of what they do and empowering them to develop their craft and take the next step in their careers. I felt continually heard, encouraged and pushed to take charge of my work, whilst being given all the tools and support needed to make this possible."