IN CAMERA airing in competition at BFI London Film Festival 2023 - featuring Hannah Donelon

September 6, 2023
Naqqash Khalid's feature film debut IN CAMERA is being released in competition at the BFI London Film Festival 2023 - featuring Hannah Donelon.

Formally playful and fiercely charged, Naqqash Khalid’s debut about a struggling British Asian actor confronts film industry prejudice and social hypocrisy head-on.

Toying with levels of realism and artifice, performance and fantasy, this striking debut moves at dizzying pace. It follows Asian actor Aden through auditions, warped gigs and bizarre role-playing sessions as he attempts to build a career and discover himself. Few films have tackled life as a jobbing artist, or the strangeness of UK modernity, with such uncompromising candour and wit.

Casting by Shaheen Baig & Gabby King.

For more information, and to book tickets - click here.